Market Updates

Stay on top of the markets by reading the latest insights and analysis from our expert economists, portfolio managers and investment experts.

Insights from our economists

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Markets rally on a split Congress

Todd Mattina and Jules Boudreau look at the impact of the US election.

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Fighting debt with more debt

Todd Mattina and Jules Boudreau call for growth-friendly policies to reduce budget deficits post-pandemic.

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Not a time for fiscal austerity

Todd Mattina and Jules Boudreau share their insights and analysis on the September 23rd Throne Speech.

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The impact of low interest rates on retirement

Todd Mattina and Jules Boudreau share ideas about long-term asset allocation in a low interest rate environment.

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Are central banks “borrowing” from MMT?

Jules Boudreau discusses and compares current policy reactions to that of Modern Monetary Theory.

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Yields, liquidity and asset prices

Todd Mattina discusses how shifting asset yields and liquidity conditions impact multi-asset portfolios.

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Asset allocation for tomorrow’s uncertain economy

Todd Mattina explains why traditional 60/40 portfolios may generate lower returns in the decade ahead.

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Economic scenarios in the post-pandemic world

Todd Mattina looks at investor sentiment and economist forecasts since the quarantine.

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Rebound from the lockdown

Todd Mattina provides an economic update and explains why financial markets appear optimistic despite the slowdown.

Insights from our investment experts

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Weekly Market Snapshot: For the week ending May 14, 2021

From Brent Joyce, Investment Strategist & Justin Truong, Manager, Investment Strategy


Canadian dollar 2021 forecast

From Brent Joyce, Investment Strategist & Justin Truong, Manager, Investment Strategy

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Our long-term capital markets expectations and outlook

Our annual Orange Book, which includes key economic data and long-term capital market assumptions from Mackenzie’s Multi-Asset Strategy Team.

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Update from the Symmetry Desk: 2020 US Presidential Election

Paul Taylor, Multi-Asset Strategies Team, shares an update on the economic and market implications of the US election.

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Quarterly Market Matters – Q1

Quarterly update from Brent Joyce, Investment Strategist & Justin Truong, Manager, Investment Strategy

White Papers

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All Things Being Equal

An ‘equal risk contribution’ approach to portfolio construction

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More money is coming your way.

The Mackenzie Resource Team looks at investing in gold as monetary policy increases the money supply

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The Looming Pension Crisis: Part 4

Our Fixed Income team provides an updated analysis of US public pension plans since the pandemic.

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The Looming Pension Crisis: Part 3

Our Fixed Income team analyzes ability of U.S state public pension progams to deal with their challenges.

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The Looming Pension Crisis: Part 2

Our Fixed Income team looks at the ability of governments to deal with their pension challenges.

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The Looming Pension Crisis: Part 1

Our Fixed Income team considers the underlying reasons why they see a pension crisis on the horizon.


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