
Mackenzie Charitable Giving Program

To many investors, success means having the ability to make a difference and leave a lasting legacy. The Mackenzie Charitable Giving Program enables investors to make regular giving a part of their overall financial plan.

Tax & Estate Planning

Part of a complete financial plan, tax and estate planning are essential to meeting your financial goals. At Mackenzie Investments, we understand that effective tax and estate planning are integral parts of the financial planning process.

Private Wealth Counsel

Mackenzie Private Wealth Counsel is dedicated to providing a deeply personalized wealth counselling service to households with $500,000 and more in investable assets.

Private Wealth Solutions

Affluent investors have unique needs that require exclusive service. Mackenzie Investments is committed to providing superior products and solutions that meet those needs.


Mackenzie offers an extensive range of account options to help you maximize your savings and reach your long-term investment goals.

Additional Services

Mackenzie is committed to providing dedicated and ongoing support through a variety of unique and innovative services to help meet your long-term investment goals.


Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

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